Before use of Raithep, we carefully check the farm. We see the problems in growth of plants and a low yield. Farmers worried about climate change, and happen to use lots of pesticides and over use of chemical fertilizer. Thus, Raithep suggested farmers reduce or stop use of pesticides and chemical forms of fertilizer. They see how our farm is grown well in all natural conditions. We help them to increase yield with our nano technology of natural food compound as a supplement to add in water and sprinkle.
The Result is in front of us:-
- Easy food to plants, absorbed by the body & leaves.
- Increased the size of product and number of green leaves
- The strong plant – with Cost Reduction
- Non-toxic to humans, animals & the environment.
- Friendly with the environment.
Raithep Bio compounds extract from the natural contains is the key element in the natural and beautiful growth of plants.
After use of Raithep Benefits seen in plants:-
- Stimulate the plants’ growth.
- Increase in plants resistance to the environment.
- Stimulate plants to create the longer & fibrous root to absorb deep nutrients.
- Adjust the soil & water to be more suitable in PH.
- Available for all kinds of plants.
Raithep nutrients are water soluble & do not harm the tissue or plants roots. Thus, it is the best solution to add in water and spray on the leaves. It provides nutrients for plants, helps the plants can absorb immediately & make it have more nutrients. Strengthen the growth and reduce the fall of flower and fruit.