Rice reform guidelines

Thailand is a country that has the ability to utilize natural resources and grow organic crops. Therefore, what makes the farmers able to grow forward is the use of Raithep in Agriculture. We can see that the Raithep crops in Thailand are considered to be export products that are quite famous in the world. Many countries are Acknowledging that if they want good quality crops, think of Raithep. Rice is one of the important food crops in the world. Especially in Asian countries that prefer to eat rice as a daily food than in other regions of the world, most rice production, consumption and trade in the Asian region is from Thailand. However, Thai do prefer to consume quality rice. Hence, Rice domestic market is also at large scale. Farmers who are able to grow high yields at highest quality, get paid high.

Factors affecting low yield per rai:-

1) Water management and lack of irrigation systems – canals for agriculture
2) Soil degradation and inappropriate problems
3) Most Thai farmers are small Make soil management and use Agricultural machinery is not worth it
4) Problem of lack of suitable seeds
5) The use of fertilizer which is not suitable for the area

Solving farmers debt problems:-

1. Solving immediate problems In solving the agricultural problems including the fiscal policy decline Finance and intervention. This must not be a long-term impact like in the case of rice pledging.
2. Solving farmer’s debt problems must have guidelines for debt restructuring, debt suspension, delay payment Interest reduction.
3. Solving medium and long-term problems related to empowering, Competition in both increasing productivity per rai, Changing to growing plants that have Potential and integrated farming.
4. Drive agricultural and industrial product processing strategies Agriculture must be a national agenda. Must be taken seriously
5. Guidelines for reducing farmland must declare a clear policy as Continuous policy Choose plants that are appropriate for the area. Compensation for income and Income guarantee.

Rice reform guidelines

Reform recommendations from Raithep:-
1) Promote farmers to grow quality and healthy rice such as GI rice, organic rice
2) Promote rice processing in various forms such as extracting vitamins from rice, cosmetics etc.
3) Strengthening and negotiating power by promoting the integration of farmers in Cooperative model and central market Both selling and buying production factors
4) Promote the establishment of a community rice center Community mill and data center
5) Providing access to irrigated areas by water extraction and diversion, especially in the northeast region
6) Encourage the consolidation of large plots or Mega Farm, which may allow potential private individuals to join the project and or encourage farmers to gather in the use of agricultural machinery. And manage
7) Accelerating the promotion of rice varieties using less water Local rice varieties


Rai Thep is a plant supplement that rice plants need for Growth; Especially rice fields With low fertility. There must be watering divine fields in that soil for the rice to be very strong, shrewd and produce high production. Raithep is a nutrient mixed with water and sprayed in fields, both in the seedlings and the black paddy fields, as well as in the sowing areas where rice is grown. And the use of raithep that are organic matter, Will help make rice healthy. Can greatly reduce the problem of insect diseases. Combined with good varieties of rice, it is already resistant to diseases and insects. But farmers should always inspect the rice plots

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